Brandon LaGreca, LAc, MAcOM, is a licensed acupuncturist in the state of Wisconsin
and nationally certified in the practice of Oriental medicine. In 2015, Brandon was
diagnosed with stage 4 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. He achieved full remission eight
months later by following an integrative medicine protocol that included immunotherapy
without the use of chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery. Brandon is a thought leader in
the synthesis of traditional and functional medicine, having written numerous articles on
the subject. He is also the author of “Cancer and EMF Radiation: How to Protect
Yourself From the Silent Carcinogen of Electropollution” and “Cancer, Stress & Mindset:
Focusing the Mind to Empower Healing and Resilience”. He shares his thoughts at
Brandon LaGreca, LAc, MAcOM, is a licensed acupuncturist in the state of
Wisconsin and nationally certified in the practice of Oriental medicine. In 2015,
Brandon was diagnosed with stage 4 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. He achieved full
remission eight months later by following an integrative medicine protocol that
included immunotherapy without the use of chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery.
Brandon is a thought leader in the synthesis of traditional and functional medicine,
having written numerous articles on the subject. He is also the author of Cancer and
EMF Radiation: How to Protect Yourself From the Silent Carcinogen of Electropollution
and Cancer, Stress & Mindset: Focusing the Mind to Empower Healing and
Resilience.” He shares his thoughts at Empowered Patient Blog.
Brandon’s book recommendations:
Nourishing Traditions (Sally Fallon)
Energy Medicine (Donna Eden and David Feinstein)
Autobiography of a Yogi (Paramahansa Yogananda)